“I am writing this letter in reference Valerie Sepulveda and Christi Fields who were the family support social workers who were assigned to mine and my boyfriends CYFD case last year. Valerie and Christi were such a if help, and there were many times our CYFD caseworker made numerous mistakes on our paperwork for court, and I honestly believe that our court hearings went very well as these 2 ladies caught all the mistakes that were made, and brought them up to our CYFD caseworker and he goes them. They prepared us as to what to expect and and were fully supportive of both me and my boyfriend. They made the process so much easier on us, and worked really good with our lawyers. I am so grateful for these social workers, and they worked very hard for us, and were always there for us when we needed there help. We appreciate everything they have done for us and our family.” -M.G.
“One client came to (CYFD) meetings wearing a mask and would not participate. After being assigned an FSS worker, the client not only stopped wearing her mask to meetings, but engaged…” -CYFD Supervising PPW
“Valerie, thank you for everything. Your help, your support, your translation and just being there for [my client] during this difficult time. -Parents Attorney
To whom it may concern:
I am writing this letter in support of the court appointed social worker program.
I have been practicing abuse/neglect law for approximately seven (7) years and only recently, since July of 2017, had the opportunity of working in a courthouse with this program. I cannot say enough good things about this program. This program is a HUGE benefit for the Respondent and the Respondent’s attorney. And this program doesn’t just benefit the Respondent and their attorney, but ultimately the CCA, the GaL, and the children.
I have had the joy working with every social worker in this program and each one works harder than the next. These social workers will do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to assist the client. This group of social workers provide the greatest advocacy of any social worker I have ever worked with and I’ve been practicing children’s law for 17 years now.
I cannot express enough what a benefit having a social worker assigned to a case can be for the Respondent and the Respondent’s attorney. I can’t tell you everything they do but I can tell you, I know they’ll assist the client with: communicating with their attorney, tracking down family members, transporting clients to and from; court, appointments, visits, d., appointments, IEP’s etc. They will assist the client in getting into treatment, assist with filling out paperwork, applying for housing, SSI, SSDI, GED’s following up with all these things. They will assist in getting a hold of your clients, they will translate for you and they will do a million other things that I don’t even see.
If you have any questions or require any additional information please feel free to contact me. I hope, for the sake of the clients, the client’s attorneys, and the families we work with that every district, every county can have a social work program available to them.